Friday, February 13, 2009

Some Like it Hot

Today we took Mamma Kat out to eat. We went to one of her favorite restaurants. It is actually a pub. But the upstairs is a restaurant. Mamma ordered her favorite crab dip as a meal.

Lil Kat wondered what the dip tasted like. So he and I split another order of the crab dip. It tasted best with their fresh baked bread.

Strangely enough, both Lil Kat and I ordered same dish. We had this salad that had a lot of goodies in it. There was some hard boiled egg. There were generous strips of chicken in it. It was topic with bacon.

Kit Kat ordered "Diablo Chicken". She did not pay attention to the crucial ingredient - crushed red pepper. She tried eating the spicy meal. After eating a few bites, and drinking a couple sodas to cool down, we switched her meal to a salad like me and Lil Kat.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

This is making my mouth water for food. It sounds so good ,I like hot stuff.