Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back to normal again

Everything is back to normal work, cooking ect. My days of being treated like a Queen are over. Which is how it was when I was at my Mom's she also gave me a beautiful ring. The ring was one she had made about 10 years and has some of the gems she had acquired though the years, very pretty!! I will treasure it.

I should be cleaning the kitchen but thought I would write a bit before going into the icky kitchen. (ploy for prolonging the event) This has been a lazy weekend. Yesterday we watched TV most of the day, trying to get caught up on some of our shows, some new some old.

Today is the football game, cleaning of course and cooking dinner for the young ones. Today I am making it simple with SOS, rice and a vegi.

I have a pleco that has been fanning eggs for 3 days, don't know if they will hatch and if they do don't know if they will survive. They are in the big tank under a glass rock, so I can see them.

My Panda cory cats had eggs yesterday but today they were all eaten, hopefully they had some in the grass but I think it will be better luck next time.

Well the kitchen is calling.................clean me...........darn, do I gotta. I guess I do, ick.


Black Cat said...

Personally I like being treated like royalty. But unless you are actually a king or queen, the dream cannot last forever.

Black Cat said...
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