Monday, September 13, 2010

Get Physical

Today we had a family games night. The kids picked out Apples to Apples for us to play. Normally we play the junior version because the words are easier. This time we used the big cat version. Kit Kat won after 30 minutes of play.

Momoko had set aside 1 hour for us to do games. What were we going to do with the extra time? Kit Kat wanted to play on the Wii. I suggested we spend a little while exercising.

At the beginning of this year, we exercised regularly as a family. We got it up to 30 minutes of exercise a day. This was mostly Momoko, Kit Kat, and myself. Somehow we got off track around March. Momoko and Kit Kat said I was the reason we stopped. I cannot recall the details. However if I was the reason for the stop, I will make it my business to start it back up again.

Nobody likes to exercise. It is no fun. It hurts. But you know what they say? No pain no gain. I told the family we could start small and exercise for 5 minutes. How could they say no to that? They tried. But I insisted. We ended up exercising for 7 minutes. Tomorrow I plan to make the family exercise for 6 minutes. Who knows? We might even go longer. The only trouble is that we have 3 exercise machines. I think we can find a way to get a 4th machine. It is a little tight on space in the basement. But for a healthy family, I think we can find a way.


Kit Kat said...

I was the one who mentioned we should excercise in the first place.

Black Cat said...

Yes we can credit Kit Kat with starting us back on exercise. But I seem to be ralling the troops each night when they do not want to exercise.