Monday, September 6, 2010

Family Workers

Yesterday I had the family come outside and help me with the yard work. Little Kat had his friend spend the night. So his friend came outside to help too. Momoko did not want the friend cutting the grass with the lawn mower. So he had to pick up stick and bag the grass.

I chopped up a huge pile of sticks and branches. Bagged them all. They filled up 4 trash cans worth. Momoko took the hard task of cutting the grass on the treacherous hill. Kit Kat finished up her part of the work then went to the movies with her friends.

With Little Kat's friend going home, and Kit Kat gone for the night, I asked Little Kat where he would like to go out for dinner. He wanted to go to a Mongolian BBQ place. The price was high. I called around and found a Chinese buffet that cost less and provided soft drinks with the price. We went and Little Kat found that the Delicious Chicken was not so delicious. He also did not care for the stuffed mushrooms. But everything else was great.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

It sounds like you found a good place.