Monday, September 20, 2010

Foiled by Utaware

Kit Kat came downstairs for a drink of water. Then she said good night. After she went upstairs, I realized that our family did not exercise tonight. I try to ensure we exercise each and every night. Now I might be a bit off because I stayed up too late yesterday. But I think the real problem is "Utawarerumono".

Let me explain. Momoko noticed that Little Kat seemed a bit down today. So she instructed him to go through our anime DVD library. He wanted to watch one series that Kit Kat owns. However she was a bit reluctant to let Little Kat have her DVDs. Instead Momoko hooked Little Kat up with the anime Utawarerumono. I have seen that one twice before. Now Little Kat and I have started watching it.

In the series, we met a dude recovering from a serious injury. He can't remember his past or his name. He is being nursed by a family of animal-like people with furry long ears and tails. There is a goddess-tiger out in the wild eating the villagers. The main character faces the beast and almost dies again. However he identifies that the beast's armor like fur gets weak when exposed to water. He rallies the villagers to trap the beast, get it all wet, and run it through. I am excited about starting this series over again. Little Kat and I are in for a big treat.

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