Thursday, November 11, 2010

Communication Fail

I had to pick Little Kat up from school today. Momoko is staying late for parent conferences. I asked Little Kat how much homework he had. He said only 2 lil things. Kit Kat got home just after we did. I asked the kids if they were ready for tennis. Kit Kat she needed 15-20 minutes to take care of some things. I told the kids to meet me outside when they finished what they needed.

So I made the most of my time. Used the leaf blower. Then started using the lawn mower to pick up leaves. The kids were taking an awfully long time. I came inside. They said they were almost done with their snack. I went back out and mowed up more leaves. A long time later I came in to find what the delay was. The kids were watching a DVD. Huh? They said they were waiting for me. I was waiting for them. Fail.

We did some tennis. Little Kat got beaned in the eye with a Kit Kat tennis ball serve. He sat out for a game. Little Kat whined that we only play tennis. So we wrapped up our tennis game, and headed to the football field behind the tennis courts. It was nice. They were all the yard lines painted with some white stuff. They were night lights making the field very bright. We practiced throwing and punting the ball.

When I got home, I asked Little Kat if he could wrap up his homework in an hour and a half. He said no way. Then he informed me he had 4 homework assignments (instead of the four earlier). I had him complete them all. He was crying that his hands hurt from so much typing. Well he has tomorrow off from school. The 3 day weekend should allow him to recouperate.

(P.S. The image above is the cover of Little Kat's poem assignment. Good stuff.)

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