Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voter Fail

Today Momoko and the kids had a day off due to elections being held in school. I was the first one up this morning because I had to go to work. While I was collecting the trash in the house and taking it outside, I woke up Little Kat. The rest of the family was asleep when I went to work.

Before work I went and cost my vote for governor and other local issues. Some dudes were in the way when I drove to our voting location. Then these slackers asked me to vote for their candidate. Yeah right.

After work I came home and found a house full of couch potatoes. Not much happened at home. Momoko did not vote. I think Little Kat played with his new laptop. Everyone else watched TV. I thought tennis would pep the family up. Nope. Little Kat was dragging his heels the whole time. Fail.

When we finished tennis, Kit Kat drove Momoko to the polls. By then there were too many people so they turned around and came back home. We were thinking about going out for some steaks. However Kit Kat does not like them, so we are staying home instead. Boo.

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