Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sonic Found

Yesterday Momoko talked me into going out for dinner. We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Afterwards we watched The Last Airbender on DVD. I hurried up and took a nap. Because I watch the poker Big Game in the middle of the night.

This morning I was the first one up. Momoko wanted to see Harry Potter with the family. So I woke up Momoko, who in turn woke up Kit Kat. I thought the show we wanted to see was at 11:00am. It was actually at 11:30am. That was a good thing. We were 30 minutes early, but the theater was full. Any later and we would not have been able to sit together.

Afterwards we drove up North to search for a new Sonic that had allegedly opened. It was 30 minutes from the house. The traffic was terrible. But the Sonic food was awesome. Now we don't have to drive 2 hours to get to Sonic. Shhh. Don't tell Little Kat. He spent the night over his friend's house and missed out on the Sonic goodness.

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