Saturday, June 25, 2011

Adventures in Babysitting

I was the first one awake this morning. This will probably continue throughout the summer. So I went to work before anyone woke up. Momoko had scheduled to see Bad Teacher at the movies with some other teachers. One colleague had a young boy. Kit Kat agreed to babysit the little one during the movie.

Apparently the lil guy was 4 years old. I think he spilled Momoko's coke that she left out of the table. And Momoko was talking to the kids about child proofing the house. The lil guy got a kick out of our fish and gerbils. I thought the gerbils were most impressive. But he was interested in our big Dojo fish, which has been swimming a lot around our new bigger tank.

By the time I got home, the movie and babysitting was over. Kit Kat made some cash. That is good because she has not found a summer job yet. Little Kat scheduled a sleep over with his buddy. He had already left by the time I got home. And I thought I left work at a decent hour. I guess when you are off for the summer, you have all kinds of options.

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