Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Car Time

Momoko purchased a new Honda Fit this week. We got the Milano Red color that we wanted. Had to go up to a higher level of trim. That bumped the cost up almost $2000. But we are just loving this color. The higher trim had some other useful things like security system, arm rest, radio controls on the steering wheel, and so on.

It seems that the family is driving the new car all the time. Momoko tried to get me to drive the thing a few times. I did not want to. It is new. I don't want to be the first person to get into an accident with it. I drove once to pick up Little Kat from the pool. Then I drove Momoko to pick up her car from the dealership. That is it.

Luckily Kit Kat likes driving the new car. I vote that she do most of the new car driving from now on. We are a little cramped with parking. My truck is boxed in the back of the carport. Momoko's car is usually boxed in the driveway by the new one. I park out on the street. Time to look into getting a larger driveway paved for us.

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