Friday, July 15, 2011


Kit Kat decided to go to the pool with her friends last night. Momoko and I drove her there. Kit Kat's friends saw us on the road and beeped their horn at us. Afterwards Momoko wanted to get some ice cream. We drove to a farm near our house that sells ice cream in the summer. I got a huge waffle cone with butterscotch and soft serve.

Now for an update on our dryer debable. Momoko called the store manager who said it would be easy to hook up our dryer exhaust. He came over this week. After struggling for an hour, he finally got the thing hooked up. Kit Kat did some laundry. The dryer vent fell off on the first dryer use. Epic fail.

Momoko called the store manager again, explaining that his handy work was not too handy. The manager sent the install guy who should have done the work the first time. He cut out some of the vent ducting from the wall. Then he connected the dryer directly to the opening that leads outside. Let's hope this thing holds tight. I am never going to use these delivery and install guys again. A total waste of time. I got my own handy man who will charge a bit more, but get the job right the first time.

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