Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Among Friends

I got into work late this morning. As usual, I went through the emails that had built up in my inbox. One was from an individual in my customer's oranization. He wanted me to set up a time for a refresh. Huh? I called him up and asked him what this was about.

The guy told me that the laptop from my customer that I use for all my work is out of warrenty. They have a new one for me. He needed to meet so he could copy over my data to the new laptop. I told him I would be right over. Can't pass up an opportunity for a new laptop.

I drove to my customer's site. I timed it so that I would arrive at lunch time. They don't let you in the parking lot unless it is early in the morning, or around lunch when parking spaces free up. On the way in, I saw a could old guys that work for the customer. They waved and I smiled at them.

Next I grabbed a quick bite to eat in the customer cafeteria. The food is good for cafeteria food. In line I saw one of the subject experts in the customer organization. She said she had not seen me in a while. Yep. I have been laying low.

Finally as I was scarfing down my food, I was spotted by a woman who worked with me at my last company. She decided to leave and join the customer. She said she still had her old laptop, and was hoping to get a new one like me. With all these people I met during the hour or so visit, I wonder if there are a lot of other people who I should be saying hi to at the customer site.

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