Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Gutter Mahem

I woke up this morning to find that it was raining. I went outside to find our rain gutter coming off the second story of our house. Ouch. In younger years I would have climbed right up there and secured the thing. But I am not so nimble these days.

I waited for Kit Kat to come home from school to help. Then I got out the big ladder and had Kit Kat hold the bottom for me. I climbed up two stories. When I grabbed the gutter, the water in it ran down my arm. Great. Then my right leg started cramping up.

I quickly wrapped duct tape around the huge bolts that hold the gutter. Then I banged the two bolts in. They felt secure. There was one more bolt I could not reach. Oh well. Too bad. I tossed the hammer and duct tape down to the ground, yeling for Kit Kat to look out. Then I came down.

Kit Kat had a good idea. I should call our handy man. He usually takes a few weeks to schedule me in. We can get him to inspect all the gutters and make sure they are permanently attached to the hosue. Yep.

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