Monday, October 24, 2011

Fail by Mail

Momoko got a letter from the city this week. It was a ticket for speeding. They had pictures of her car and license plate. Momoko does not remember being on the street they filmed her. Well the alleged incident did happen a few weeks ago.

So Momoko figured it might have been Kit Kat or myself driving the car. Well the ticket was for her own SUV. Momoko is pretty much the only one that drives that car. Kit Kat and I drive Momoko's other car that she purchased as a second vehicle for Kit Kat to drive. Good thing they did not catch that car speeding.

Now I continue to "borrow" Momoko's second car she got for Kit Kat. It is the newest car, and is fun to drive. But I make sure I go pretty close to the posted speed limit at all times. I don't want to pay any speeding ticket fines. Plus Momoko will be all over us if we get a ticket in her car that she has to pay.

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