Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hallowen Comes

Momoko said that Little Kat was requesting some red Converse tennis shoes that cost $150. No way. That is just too much money for some sneakers. Momoko thought maybe Little Kat was succumbing to some peer pressure or something.

We interrogated Little Kat. Turns out he needs red tennis shoes for his Halloween costume of Bo Jack Horseman. Bo Jack is an anime series. It depicts a horse that got rich as an actor. Now he lives in a mansion and has a lot of problems.

I guess Bo Jack is a commentary on the world of acting and Hollywood. The show is actually really funny. When I have time, I watch the episodes with the kids. Bo Jack has a friend that is a dog. He also has a leech roommate who is a bum.

Bo Jack's agent is his ex-girlfriend and is a cat. Go figure. The paparrazzi are always after Bo Jack. I hope Little Kat can pull off this custome. Not sure where he is going to go when he assembles the costume. I just have to remember to take a bunch of pictures when Little Kat puts it on.

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