Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Invasion of the Birds

Spring is finally here. And so are the birds. Woody Woodpecker is back. Luckily he is pecking on trees and other peoples' houses for now. I thought I could finally get some good sleep.

Nope. Some other bird has moved in, either into our attic our outside our window. This is a job for superman. I spied on the situation in the back yard. Looks like there is a bird nest on the window A/C unit outside our bedroom window. Only problem is that it is two or more stories above the ground.

I put on my lumberman's jacket to protect my arms. Put on a dust mask and some goggles. Put a ball cap on my head. Then I put on some work gloves. I pack a bottle of Lysol in my pocket. I also grab a couple pieces of wood.

I secure the ladder at the base. Make sure it is high enough, almost fully extended. Then I climb up myself. Normally I should get a buddy to hold the ladder steady. But the slackers in my house cry even when they need to do the light work.

I climb up and poke around with the thick piece of wood. Good. Nobody (no birds) are home. I use the small stick to push the nest off the A/C and onto the ground. Then I liberally spray the top of the A/C with the Lysol. I need something to make the birds choose another spot. However I cannot spray anything poisonous. This is the place where the A/C air intake it. I don't want to breather any fumes.

Let's hope the birds stay away. I made sure to wrap up the nest so the birds don't just grab it and relocate somewhere else on my house.

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