Friday, April 10, 2015

The Last Day

On the last day of vacation, Little Kat spent the day with his uncle. Momoko and I had another Dairy Queen lunch. She got an Orange Julius to drink. We needed to print out boarding passes for the next day's flight. Grandpa volunteered to do it. He also had to sign for a delivery of compressed air. We asked if he needed us to man the door in case the air came right when he had to print the passes. He said no. We stuck around anyway. Wouldn't you know it? Seven minutes before boarding pass time, the doorbell rang and the dogs started barking. We got the passes printed though.

We met the extended family for dinner at Cici's. I like it because it is cheap and has a lot of variety. Little Kat loaded up his plate full of pizza and hardly ate any. He said he was "sick". When is this boy ever going to learn how to deal with buffets?

On the day of travel, we all got up early. Little Kat and I stacked up two beds together to save room at the grand parents' house. We filled up the minivan with gas close to the airport. At check in, I found the airline employee we met on our earlier flight set us up to pre-board again. A ticket agent paged me at the airport to confirm our plans.

It was a relatively full flight. A military man in fatigue sat next to me. Momoko had a special pass that reserved the seat next to her so she and Little Kat had more room. They just needed to sit a bit further back in the plane than me. Kit Kat picked us up at the airport. In the garage, she tripped over a raised meter and fell to the pavement. We got six dollar subway subs for dinner on the drive home. Vacation ends soon.

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