Monday, May 11, 2015

Day at the Hospital

Momoko was scheduled for some surgery on Friday. So I took the day off from work. We had agreed on a 9:00am departure time. At 9:00 I was playing a game on my iPad. Momoko was anxious to leave. I did not know it was a hard departure time.

I drove Momoko's car to the hospital. It was very close to my community college. Momoko had been to the hospital before, but not the wing where this outpatient surgery was going to be done. All we knew was that the building had a lot of names on it. We found it easily.

We checked in at the front desk. Got called back to go over paperwork. Then we went down to where surgery was performed. I waited in the family wait zone. I returned back to Momoko's side right before surgery to wish her luck. They had her on a bed with wheels.

Momoko thought it was a five minute surgery. I knew better. I spent 2+ hours in the waiting room before they called me. Then I spent another hour or two with Momoko in recovery. There was a lot of beeping going on from the machines around us. Reminded me of when I spent a night in the hospital for chest pains.

I brought Momoko home, had a really late lunch, and picked up Momoko's medications. It was quite a day. But it was not over for me yet. Little Kat and I had to go get his car checked out by the state emissions control. Luckily I had Little Kat drive us to the emmissions station.

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