Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Pwnage

Momoko had been talking about getting Little Kat a weigh bench. You know. It is like a mini home gym where you do bench presses and exercises with your legs. Well I saw a bench and weights on sale for $90 at Sears.

I first headed to lunch with an old friend today. After that, I drove my truck to the mall by our house. I should have known something was wrong when there was a ton of traffic on the road that leads to the mall. Finally I arrived at the mall and saw the problem.

The entire mall parking lot was full. People were illegally parked everywhere. And there were traffic jams of cars trying to get into the parking lot. I did my best to turn the truck around and go home. Maybe Little Kat's weight bench will have to wait until after Christmas. Or maybe I need to get up as soon as the store opens and grab a bench.

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