Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Power to the People

There have been some crews digging up the ground on the next street over. I figure they work for the gas company. Poor cats are out there in the cold digging with shovels.

Today the crew had taken over the right side of the street. I passed them on the way to pick up some lunch. When I came back home, one cat looked at me as I drove up. He clenched his fist and rose it in the air.

WTF? What is that supposed to mean? At first I thought he wanted to say, "Power to the people." But this is no revolution. The look on the guys face became frantic as I came up on him. Then I guessed that he wanted me to stop. My hunch was confirmed when I saw some hoses running across the street. The dude pulled the hoses out of the way so I could pass.

Come on utility man. You are in black cat's domain now. Better learn the correct usage of universal sign language. If you want a car to stop. You hold your hand up, palm facing the car, with your fingers spread out making the "5" sign. That's how you halt a car in my neighborhood.

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