Saturday, February 19, 2011

Convention Day

Today was the day Momoko planned for us to go to the anime convention. Somehow I ended up driving us there. There was some sort of fire next to the Interstate that delayed us. There was also some confusion when we got to the place how to get to parking. I was tired before the whole thing started.

We wandered around this huge convention hall to find the place to check in. The line was massive. It felt like forever before we checked in. I kept asking Momoko whether she wanted to leave before we even checked in. But no, she was determined to go to this thing. The line snaked around back and forth like we were going to a baseball game. Little Kat and I were forced to spy on scantily clad girls dressed in what I assume were some anime character costumes. Little Kat also say his friend from school near the end of the line.

After checking in, I was reading to take a rest. Little Kat and I muscled into a place to sit, while Kit Kat and Momoko bought some sandwiches. Our first event was the voice actors panel. This featured the people who do the English version voices of the animations we watch. Guess what? There was a line to get into the room. Dang. However once we got in, I was pleasantly surprised that the voices from some of my favorite characters were sitting in front of us. They took questions from the crowd and shared a lot of funny stories with us. The biggest bonus was that I got to sit down in the audience for a whopping hour and a half.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

It seems like you had great fun after all.