Friday, February 25, 2011

Hail of a time

Yesterday I buckled down and did my taxes. Good news. I am getting money back from the fed and the state. Yee haw. I hate paying at tax time.

Momoko got me TurboTax. So the job was not that hard. Today I decided to take my tax returns to the post office. I always file by mail. I figure it makes it harder for them to audit me if I do not file electronically.

Got some lunch. The parking lot of the sub shop was jammed. They have some farmers market going on Fridays. Coming home it started to rain. Then it felt like the rain was pelting the car. No. It was hail coming down from the sky.

This was all a surprise. The weather was very warm. I wore a short sleeve shirt outside. I guess it is colder up in the clouds.

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