Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bike Upgrade

Little Kat has been complaining about his bike for a long time. He says it is too small for him. I was scheduled to go bike shopping with Little Kat this week. However the work on the driveway put us behind schedule.

Today was the last day of my vacation. So I planned to go shopping with Little Kat. There were some bad thunder showers. Little Kat asked us to postpone the shopping trip. Momoko directed us to go today. We manned Little Kat up, and drove the truck to Walmart.

Little Kat had specific requirements. He wanted a pedal brake as opposed to hand brakes. He also wanted a dirt bike. The bike needed to be a 26 inch one. In the end, the handle bar grips and bike seat comfort sealed the deal. The bike was within budget. At home we had Little Kat take the new bike for a spin before we headed to the airport to pick up Kit Kat.

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