Monday, August 1, 2011

New Guy on the Block

Momoko's gerbils from school are getting a bit old. She decided to inject some new blood into their cage. Thus Kit Kat and Monmoko went gerbil shopping today. They got a new white one. I was expecting some miniature gerbil. This one is smaller than the rest, but is not a baby.

Kit Kat took all the old gerbils out of their cage. They she let the new one run in there for a while. They say the other gerbils will accept the new one if they smell her scent in their cage. Not working here. One of the old gerbils will not leave the new one alone. The new one's tail got chewed pretty bad.

Luckily Momoko also bought a second gerbil cage. So for tonight, we are goinag to let the new one stay in a separate cage. She got beat up too bad in the big cage. I think the old aggressive gerbil needs a time out myself.

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