Friday, January 20, 2012

Teepees and Spiders

Little Kat has started taking two of our gerbils upstairs to bed with him each night. Momoko was concerned that Little Kat was carrying a heavy fish tank with gerbils up and down the stairs. So we had Little Kat keep a separate tank upstairs and downstairs.

Within the tank, we have a small wooden house for the gerbils to sleep in. That house is up in Little Kat's bedroom. During the day the gerbils don't need a full house. But we wanted to give them something to hide in. So Little Kat provided the gerbils with a Kleenex box.

Unfortunately the gerbils liked chewing the box. Only two side of the box are left. The thing forms a small teepee under which the gerbils rest during the day. Let's hope they don't chew any more. Otherwise no teepee.

In other news, I finished reading a chapter in my Anne Rice book last night. I noticed a spider on the ceiling in the bedroom. So I put a chair underneath and went to get some tissue to grab the spider. When I returned, the spider was not on the ceiling. I looked around and found that the spider was hanging by its web. No problem. I grabbed it and flushed it.

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