Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mission Failure

I took this morning off from work. Went to the store that was selling $100 desks for $10. Got there when the store opened. There were two things I noticed immediately. The parking lot was full of cars. But nobody was waiting outside the store. WTF? Did they open the doors early today?

I went inside and got a dolly cart. Pushed it to where some boxes were on sale for 10 cents. There were no boxes there. Shoot. Then I went to where the tables are stacked. No tables. Double darn. Turns out they put the super sale stuff in a different location. By the time I got to where the tables were being handled out, they were long gone.

Ended up only getting two sets of bankers boxes. At least they were a nice color. But this deal was a bust. This store was a fail. I don't think I will be returning when the merchandise returns to normal price. And now I am without a new desk.

I use a card/game table to prop up my home computers. The thing is sagging in the middle. Guess I will have to buckle down and buy a new table at full price. I hate doing that.

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