Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Extra Car

Right now I drive a Nissan Versa Note. I bought it to teach Kit Kat manual transmission driving. When I purchased the car, I held onto my old Scion xB. I figured Little Kat would be driving soon. Momoko is not going to buy him a new car. He could use my old car.

This week one morning Kit Kat started up her car. The air conditioning would not come on. The fan did not blow any air out unless it was on the highest setting. Even then, some stinky air blew out of the vents. She called the dealership. Wouldn't you know it? The car warranty had expired. The bums wanted $140 to just look at the car. Nope.

Kit Kat then called my handy mechanic. He diagnosed the problem and said he would fix it for around $140. Whew. This is not a good time for extra bills. Momoko is a teacher and does not work in the summer. Therefore she does not get paid all summer long.

Kit Kat still needed to go to work every day. She also starts school next week. Luckily my xB is not getting much use. I called up my insurance company because I recently switched to a new company. They told me Kit Kat is covered under my policy. So I am "renting" the car to her for a while, no charge of course because she is family.

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