Sunday, August 3, 2014

Gutter Shennanigans

My brother called me up. He said that water was flowing over the edge of the gutter. It was landing down on the bottom step of the stairs I just hired some guys to restore and paint. My brother was worried the stairs would get ruined again quickly.

I drove down to my brother's house. He tried using the hose to flush out the debris. The water just gathered in the gutter and overflowed. He then wanted me to hold the ladder as he climbed up to investigate.
My brother wanted to put the base of the ladder on the stairs. That did not seem safe. I advised him to extend the ladder further, and put the foot of the ladder on the ground. He agreed. We got the ladder out and were adjusting it to reach the roof.

Dad woke up and came out to see what was going on. He kept telling us we needed to put the bottom of the ladder on the stairs. My brother and I told him we knew what we were doing and to leave us alone.

My dad went and got a cinder block to level out the stairs to use as a base. I had to yell at dad to get out of the way and let my brother and I handle this. He might have some experience in the matter. But so do I.

This is my opinion. If there is work to do, either go do it or GTFO of the way. Nobody wants a know-it-all to interfere when able bodied men are on the job. If this nonsense continues, we just might have to have a sit down and tell my dad what is up. No more craziness or nonsense please.

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