Thursday, July 31, 2014

Fridge Cleaning Failure

Friday is trash day in our county. The kids were assigned the task of cleaning out the fridges before Friday. It was 10:00pm Thursday night. Momoko asked if the kids did their jobs. Nope. I told them to get busy.

I went downstairs to do some work. When I came upstairs, I saw our new trash can with its lid propped open. Little Kat was tossing items from the fridge into the trash can. This is the way our last trash can got broken.

I bought an expensive new trash can to replace the broken one. We saved the old broken trash can so the kids could use it to dispose of fridge items. Were the using it? No. Lazy kids. Won't start the work. Won't do it right.

So I had to chew out the kids and tell them to stop cutting corners. The problem is that these lackeys don't keep enough money in their savings to replace a trash can if they break it. Might be time to make them put down a deposit. Then they might do the right thing if their money is at stake.

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