Friday, August 29, 2014

Unexpected Air

I visited dad's house today. Worked in his basement during the morning. Then I went out to pick up some Chinese for lunch. I took the long way around to get to the Chinese food place. It was already crowded early, maybe becuase it was Friday.

After getting my meal, I started to head home. Normally I jump on the expressway and get off after one exit to return to dad's. However I have found that the expressway jams up with traffic even at lunch time. Instead I decided to take the back way home to dad's.

There was just one problem. Coming out of the Chinese restaurant parking lot, I would need to make a left turn on a busy road. Sure enough there were cars lined up on the road. I spotted any opening between two cars. There was traffic on the other side of the road I needed to dodge. I spotted an opening both ways and I punched it to make the left.

I was doing a fist pump in my car as I accelerated hard into the left to make sure oncoming traffic would not come up on my too fast. Then I noticed something wrong. The far right side of the road I was driving on had some trouble. The pavement was buckled up forming a launch ramp. I was going fast right towards it.

For a second I contemplated hitting the brakes. But that may have caused more harm than good. So I braced for impact. The car launched into the air. I knew I caught air because I felt and heard the contents in the back of the car go airborn and land back down with a thud. The car survived. I just don't want to do any more Dukes of Hazzard impersonations like that any more.

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