Saturday, September 12, 2009

Arrival of Fish

We had Momoko's fish at home for the summer. But she went back to work last month. The fish went with her. She asked me whether we could keep a tank at home. At first I was hesitant. Then I thought what the heck.

For a while we had an empty fish tank. Momoko has been too busy to go fish shopping. Today that ended. She went to the local pet store with Kit Kat and Little Kat. They picked up a few fish.

I had some company over today. When my guests left, I saw some fish in a bag on the counter. What the heck? I thought those were just for transporting the fish. Apparently they were bought and forgot about. They still looked alive. Come on kids. Give these fish a fighting chance to live.


Grand Kat said...

Poor fish, hope they made it ok.

Black Cat said...

The verdict is not out yet. Apparently they needed to clean the tank. The fish made it through the night. We are hoping for the best.