Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Looking for a Bonus

Today is the last day of the month. I filled out my time card and found I had worked a lot of extra hours this period. Unfortunately I am a salaried employee. That means I don't get any extra pay if I work extra hours.

Since I did a good job and worked long and hard, I figure I deserve something out of it. So my plan is to ask to be sent to some training. In fact I want to attend this software conference out in San Francisco later this year.

My company is normally very generous with their training budget. However I can never get the time off from work. They always seem to need me. I even had to make a big case just to get a week off during Christmas vacation. We shall see how my training "bonus" works out. I am hoping for the best.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Sounds like you deserve the training trip and to San Fran no less. Yeah
It nice hear you got the week's vacation but if things don't work out we will understand.