Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trip Preparations

Today I was scheduled to drive Kit Kat to a meeting. She is planning to go away for Labor Day weekend. They need to solidify the plan. I made sure I got off from work plenty early to grab dinner before taking Kit Kat to the meeting.

When I got home, Kit Kat told me she needed a compass. You know. That's the thing that let's you draw circles. Well I pulled out my old compass. It was not strong. We decided to go shopping for a new one.

The local pharmacy was no help. They did not have that many school supplies. There was no compass to be found. Luckily the grocery store had a pack of school goods, one of which was a compass. Sold. Even after the shopping, Kit Kat and I were early to the meeting.

I decided to take a drive with Kit Kat to see if we could find an office supply store. No luck on that front. After the drive we waited patiently for Kit Kat's meeting to start.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Kit Kat is going away and leaving the family of kat's for the weekend, how unfair is that.

Compass's do they still make them, I guess if you found one they still do. I wonder what she will be needing it for?? Now a compass that shows direction I can see her needing something like that.