Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Working Weekend

This was a hectic weekend. My team needed to release some software early Monday morning. The team was tired. I got assigned to make sure the software got built and ready to ship on Monday. In other words, there was no weekend for me.

I knew I was in for a lot of work. So I did not stay late on Friday at work. Good move. On Saturday the rest of the programmers were supposed by be done by noon. Turns out they were not done until 9:30PM. I had to wait for them to finish before I could do my part. Once again I was lucky (or smart). I told them I would be busy until late at night. That way I did not waste time waiting around all day for them to complete.

By midnight Saturday I had completed my piece. I got a call Sunday morning informing me there were problems. I diagnosed them and had the next team start their work. When the software was ready, I did a quick check. I found a lot of problems. My plan was to ship the software anyway. That did not work out. The other developers had to fix their stuff. Then I needed to start again getting the software ready to ship. I did not catch many breaks this weekend. The only result is that I try to bolt out of work each day around quitting time. I usually can't leave early. But there is no way I am going to stay late on the weekdays if I had to work through the weekend. On a positive note, like my coworkers always remind me, at least I have a job.


Momoko said...

I am sure you will figure out a way to get "compensated" for the time you lost.

Grand Kat said...

Jobs are a good thing and harder to find these days but working on the weekend with out any extra doe re me is the pits.