Friday, September 9, 2011

Creepy Building

I woke up early this morning because a plumber was supposed to come by. I went in the kitchen and was disturbed because there was a puddle on the floor. There was a melting ice cube there. Sounded like a Little Kat issue. The plumber called and said he was busy with emergencies like flooded basements. So he could not make it today. Fail.

I ordered some beef fried rice and hot-n-sour soup for lunch. There was no menu for the Chinese place at home. I picked one up when I got my food. Doh! They had lunch specials. Great. I got overcharged by ordering a la carte. Oh well.

Kit Kat was late coming home from school. She stays a little late on Fridays for some club. But it was 6pm and I had not heard from her. Momoko saw the hmoe phone flashing. It was Kit Kat calling. She tried to eat over her friend's house. Nope. We had business tonight.

Kit Kat drove the family to the local armory. We wanted to check whether it was a place that Little Kat could hang out with other middle schoolers. Kit Kat parked the car next to the building, and said it looked creepy. Little Kat agreed. Inside there were a lot of cheerleaders renting out the gym. The place was pretty much empty otherwise.

Little Kat liked the billiards room. I thought it would be good for Little Kat to hit the gym there. He is too young though. We saw no middle schoolers in the place. I think that means this will be a no go for now. You have to pay to be able to use the facilities.

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