Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meeting Rain Man

Momoko had to go somewhere today. So I had to pick up Little Kat after school. He found me waiting by the gym. We started walking to my car. Some boy grabbed my arm and asked who I was. I asked him why he wanted to know. He again asked my name. So I answered him. He continued asking me questions, and I kept asking questions back.

Initially I thought the student with questions mistook me for a teacher. Then after the barage of questions I figured out what was going on. I worked with a guy like this kid before. It was the Rain Man syndrome. Good thing I had experience with situations like this. I found a way out and said goodbye before I could be attacked with more questions. As we arrived at the car, Little Kat told me the kid had autism, and it was tough to get out of a conversation with him.

We got home in good time. Little Kat and I were scheduled to drive to the park and ride bikes. It looked like it might rain. And Little Kat was tired from playing football in gym. So we just rode around on our own street. We went to the top of the street and saw a school bus. Little Kat thought it might be Kit Kat. Her bus normally drops her off further away. But yep. It was Kit Kat coming off the bus. Good timing.

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