Thursday, September 15, 2011

Interview Time

Kit Kat has slowed down her job search. We wanted her to get a job for the summer. It never materialized. Kit Kat thinks she might have a chance since students may have left their prior jobs to concentrate on school now.

Recently Kit Kat submitted a job application for a party store. You know the kind. They sell costumes, cards, balloons and such. She was very excited to get a call back from the manager at the store. Today Kit Kat went in for an interview. Let's hope she gets a call back for a job.

Momoko thought Kit Kat should dress up in some sort of costume, as the employees of the store do around Halloween. I thought that was a bad idea. You got to put forward a professional image when looking for a job. Luckily Kit Kat agreed and wore her best professional attire. Good luck Kit Kat. A part time job could come in handy methinks.

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