Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Teen Club

Momoko thought it might be a good idea to send Little Kat to the local teen club. Kit Kat could join too. So we scheduled to make a visit today. Kit Kat drove us. Momoko directed her. We ended up at the city municipal building.

This was the wrong place. I thought we had previously determined the teen event happened at the Armory in town. Nope. Momoko said the place we wanted to be was the former community center. The municipal building was definitely not the community center.

It was turning into a check out fail. Momoko remembered the name of the street that the community center was on. I happened to know where that street was. But that did not seem like a high probability win. Momoko made Kit Kat drive us there anyway. It turns out we found the place.

There was not much going on. They had a basketball court. There was an exercise room with a lot of expensive looking machines. Finally they had a game room with billiards, ping pong, and fooz ball. On the way home, Kit Kat almost hit another car that was making a turn. Kit Kat had turned her head to look behind us. Momoko and I screamed. We slowed down in time.

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