Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day for Thor

Momoko is sick this weekend. She spent the night sleeping downstairs. I came down in the morning to do some work. That woke Momoko up. She told me she needed a favor. I thought she might need some ice water. Nope. She needed some food from McDonald's. Doh.

I did some studying for my college class. Then I rallied the kids to clean up the house. I had my bro coming over to watch some DVDs including Thor. The house needed some straightening up. Before I could watch the movie, Kit Kat said she needed a ride to her friend's house.

We drove Kit Kat to her friend's. Her friend was baking some goodies when we arrived. My bro and I got a little lost on the way home after we dropped off Kit Kat. We eventually found our way out. Kit Kat plans to spend the night with her friends tonight. Again after dinner Momoko needed some food. I got her fomr shrimp fried rice. Let's hope she don't need a midnight snack.

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