Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Life on Hold

It seems our family's life in on hold due to Little Kat's school work. Well he has been sick for the last few days. He stayed home from school yesterday and today. When Little Kat is sick, he does not cook for us. That means Momoko and I need to figure out dinner.

Sundays we have a family meeting night to go over issues from the week. It had to get cancelled this week because Little Kat had to much work to do. We are supposed to read a book together as a family each night. It is only a few minutes of reading. But that is on hold indefinitely. Little Kat must spend that time doing homework.

The family does an hour of cleaning once a week on Tuesday nights. I was the only one doing cleaning tonight. Little Kat is busy putting together this science fair project. and Momoko is worn out from running science fair at her school.

The school quarter ends this week. One would think that would be the end of hte homework rush. However Little Kat is already behind on history for the next quarter. There is no end to this scene. Who knew high school was so disruptive to family life.

I had it good when I was in high school. Mom was a stay at home mom. She cooked for us. I think she did a lot of general cleaning in the house too. My brother and I were responsible for a few chores that could usually wait for the weekend. Oh yeah, we had to get good grades too.

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