Sunday, January 27, 2013

Snow Again

It snowed again here. They said it would be another dusting. But it felt like more snow than last time. Luckily I had some salt spread down on the driveway. It must have melted some of the snow. That was a good start.

I slept in today. Woke up a bit hungry. Momoko was going to send the kids to pick up Chinese for us. I went out and started shoveling the driveway. First order of business was to clear a path for Kit Kat's car. Because if she drove over the snow in the driveway, it would be harder to remove.

I finished the path for the car as Kit Kat and Litle Kat came out. They left. Then I moved the truck under the carport, and blocked it in with Momoko's car. Had to clear a space for my bro to park when he visits me today.

It was harder clearing the snow where my truck had been. There was still snow left over from the past storm. I got the job done. Then I went back to our big shed to get some bags of salt to lay down. I shoveled the ramp that leads up to the shed. It was slippery though.

The driveway is looking good. Let's hope it stays that way. It is so cold out there.

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