Monday, January 7, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird

Last Friday, Little Kat got an assignment to read the remainder of To Kill a Mockingbird by Monday. So far, the class had read up to chapter 13 in class. There are a total of 30 chapters in the book. There is no way Little Kat can read that many chapters in a weekend. Momoko's plan was for Little Kat to hear the books on tape. Well, he found the book being read aloud on YouTube.

Little Kat took forever to listen to a few chapters on YouTube. At that rate, he was still never going to finish the book on time. Momoko thought Little Kat could watch the movie instead. I could not find the movie on Netflix. Momoko could not find the movie on demand from cable. She did see the movie on iTunes.

I am using Momoko's large iPad. So I was tasked with renting the movie using iTunes. It costs $3.99 for a one day rental. It took many hours to download the thing. Luckily, Momoko started the download a day before Little Kat planned to watch the movie. It completed downloading overnight.

Little Kat spent 2 hours watching the movie. He could tell there were some differences between the book and movie. There must have been. The movie must be very condensed. Now Little Kat needs to write a complex paper on characters from the movie. Good luck to him!

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