Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And so it begins

I am sure you have noticed that I have been absent from blogging lately. I started back to work on Monday and it has been are very busy week. I had to even hire the kittens to help me out. This has been a win-win situation because I have been getting some good work from the kittens and if I pay them they will have some spending money. This school year is turning into a year of changes. I have changed principals, classrooms, and even grade levels. I cannot wait for the year to begin.

Little goes Middle School Orientation tomorrow and he is very excited. I even think Kit is ready to start school. The first day is Monday so please wish us luck!


Black Cat said...

I start my own college class next week. However this one is an "online" one. Weird.

Paying young cats for work? How about we pay them with some food and shelter? That's my two cents.

Grand Kat said...

Props for Momoko, sound like things are coming along nicely. Little Kat in middle school. I feel old now. Not that Iam not already.