Saturday, August 22, 2009

Late Arrival

Kit Kat planned to go shopping with her friends this weekend. Normally Momoko drives Kit Kat to the mall. But Momoko felt like she was getting sick. She went to the clinic. Thus I had to drive Kit Kat.

Momoko warned me that Kit Kat's friends arrive fashionably late sometimes. We did not want to be the first one's at the mall. So I planned our departure so that we would arrive "10 minutes late".

On the ride over, Kit Kat got a phone call from her friends. They were wondering where she was. She said she was running late but was on the way. As we pulled up, I saw all of Kit Kat's friends there. I guess they were anxious to get their shop on. Maybe arriving late is just for parties. Timing is hard to figure out with these high school cats.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Sure hope Momoko is feeling better since she has a big day on Monday.
Can'r be sick for the first day of school. Soon Kit kat will be old enough to drive then your troubles will begin.