Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Principal and the Tree

I got home today to find one message on the answering machine. It was the new principal at Little Kat's school. He goes to middle school orientation tomorrow. It was surprising that the principal spoke the message in Spanish by herself.

Since nobody else was home, I got to work in the back yard. There was a lot of grass to mow. After that I trimmed the bushes. I took the clipping back to the edge of our property. There was one last chore to do. Deal with the big tree branches that had fallen.

Actually there were a couple tree branches. They were in the shape of a big Y. The Y got stuck on in the tree, but the branches were dangling down in the way. I decided to grab ahold of the branches and pull them down. They were big so it took a lot of effort. And then ... oh no. The branch gave real quick, sending me backward. My body instinctively rolled backward into a somersault. Ouch. That could have ended up badly. Need to exercise more care next time.


Momoko said...

WOW! I thought you would be taking it easy but are rolling around.

Grand Kat said...

What's with all the yard work, you make me tried just to read your blog. I am glad the tree didn't hurt you, you have to be more careful next time.