Saturday, August 1, 2009

Going to College

I tried to sign up for this web programming college class. However the web site said I did not have all the prior class work to register. That meant I needed to go to the college in person and get somebody to override the requirements.

Throughout the week I worked hard. That way I had the morning off on Friday for my college business. I woke up early and found the traffic to be good. Then I took my number and waited to speak with a college advisor.

A few hours later, an advisor approved me for the class. I hurried home to find Momoko still asleep. Nice. The only downturn in this whole process was that the college bookstore had not stocked the Fall 2009 semester books.


Momoko said...

A wise cat once said, "Do your work!" Nice to see you are doing yours. ~Smiles~

Grand Kat said...

What kind of class or you taking?