Friday, August 14, 2009

Fence Painting

I had Little Kat trim the grass around the base of our white picket fence. Previously I had repaired some of the broken pickets. The replacement wood looked out of place. It was time to repaint the fence. That time was yesterday.

Things were looking good. It was hot but not that hot. I got a gallon of white paint from Walmart. Then I went to town. It was hard work. You have to move the brush around a lot to get the paint in the grain of the wood. And it is tough to paint between the pickets. They are placed close to each other on our fence.

The result looks good. There is only one problem. I just painted the front and back of a small section of our fence that was breaking down. Now there is another section that needs picket repair. And that section is longer. I have the wood for replacement pickets. And I even have the paint to cover it. I just don't have the energy to accomplish the task right now. Home maintenance is never over. You just move to the next project.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

I bet the fence really looks good now. Your are right, home repairs never stop but it is good you can repair some of it your self, sure does save on the bling.