Monday, October 11, 2010

Dinner Meeting

Today I planned to meet an old coworker for dinner. We were to eat Chinese at a mall by his house. I was pleasantly surprised that traffic was light. Got there real early. The mall was nice. It is in an upscale neighborhood. They have nice furniture to sit in while you wait. I waited outside the Chinese food restaurant.

While waiting, I saw a kid and his mom board a mall train. It is a little train that rides through the mall. I was annoyed that the front door to the Chinese food place had a squeaky door. People kept coming in and out.

When I first entered the mall, I went to the mall directory to figure out how to get to the Chinese food restaurant. I was surprised that the map did not accurately show the shape of the mall. Come on guys. I was still able to find the place. You could tell this was an upscale mall. Everybody was dressed very fashionably. A number of people were speaking foreign languages. I got the feel that there were many European people in the area.


Grand Kat said...

I hope the food was good.

Black Cat said...

Food was delicious.