Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kit Kat's Day

Today is the weekend day when my bro usually comes over to watch movies with me. I took a small nap before he came over so that I would be fresh for the movies. When I woke up, Momoko and Kit Kat had gone out shopping.

Kit Kat came back. She and Momoko went to the Dress Barn. Kit Kat got invited to a friend's homecoming dance. I thought it was strange that Kit Kat had to pay for her own ticket. However it was her money and her decision.

My bro and I got some fast food between the movies. When we got home, the mail man had arrived. He delivered minimal letters. But he left a few packages. One of them was for Kit Kat. Her new cell phone has arrived.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Yeah for Kit Kat's new phone!