Sunday, October 10, 2010

Let Me In

My brother and I saw a movie called Let The Right One In. It was a foreign flick about a vampire girl. Now they have remade the movie for the USA. I told Momoko that we should see it. She declined saying it was too scary. However some friends of her said it was a good movie. So this morning Momoko and I got up early and went to the show.

We left Little Kat watching TV. Kit Kat invited two friends to spend the night yesterday. They stayed up all night, so they were still asleep when we left for the movie. Little Kat decided his sister and friends should wake up early. So he stomped on the floor over top of them. The dirty rat.

Momoko and I got some good breakfast at the movie theater. The movie was not too good. They got the plot basics down. However they could not mimic the soul of the foreign flick. Now I wish we had seen The Social Network instead.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Little did get his sister up just like a little bro. Hope all is well your way. Looks like you have been working to hard.